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History / run logs

See history task runs including server responses and other useful information to help understand what each task did.

Go to Task run logs >

Automations / Tasks - Task history

History overview​

On the History overview you can find all history task runs. There are various icons per history run, showing information about execution time, run id etc.

The status indicator helps spot issues quickly.

Click the name to view more details.

Automations / Tasks - Task history overview


Use the filter to show the history for specific tasks only.

Automations / Tasks - Task history filter


Task details show all details related to a specific task run, like the character it was triggered by, the game server it happened on / for etc.

Any sub-tasks related to the main task are listed below.

Automations / Tasks - Task history


Every action in a task is logged to help you understand what happened. This is especially helpful when the task is failing.

Log details

Click the icon to show more details.

Automations / Tasks - Task history logs


Some actions may create sub-tasks. Sub-tasks come with similar information as the main task, like logs and the recipient.

Click the sub-tasks to show more details about each sub-task.

Automations / Tasks - Task history sub-tasks