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Most actions listed on this page are available for Tasks, Shop packs, Supporter Tiers and Vote rewards.

Automations / Tasks - Action


In-game commandโ€‹

Execute in-game RCON / Websocket / Telnet commands, with variables. Supports unlimited numbers of commands. For Shop packs the Game selector is hidden.

Variables are available with this action.

Automations / Tasks - Action - in-game command

In-game broadcastโ€‹

Send an in-game global message / broadcast to the game server.

Variables are available with this action.

Automations / Tasks - Action - in-game broadcast

Wipe / reset tokensโ€‹

This action will reset the tokens for all players on the dashboard. Can only run once every 15 minutes.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Wipe / reset tokens

Copy / Paste GSA clipboardโ€‹

Actions can be copied, including any sub actions, to make things. The clipboard is stored for 10 minutes.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Copy to GSA clipboard Automations / Tasks - Action - Paste GSA clipboard

Admin toolsโ€‹

In-game DMโ€‹

Send an in-game Direct Message (DM) to the character.

Variables are available with this action.

Automations / Tasks - Action - in-game dm

Send tokensโ€‹

Send tokens to the player. Works with both a fixed amount and a random amount, where you can set the range.

Variables are available with this action.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Send tokens

Mute / Unmute playerโ€‹

Mute / Unmute player on the game server(s).

Automations / Tasks - Action - Unmute player

Automations / Tasks - Action - Mute player

Kick playerโ€‹

Kicks player from the game server(s).

Automations / Tasks - Action - kick player

Ban / Unban playerโ€‹

Bans / unbans player from the game server(s).

Automations / Tasks - Action - Unban player

Automations / Tasks - Action - Ban player

Integration modโ€‹

Activate special GSA Integration mod features, like:

  • Open Report UI
  • Open Review UI
  • Kill player
  • Teleport player to coordinates
  • Give EXP to player

Automations / Tasks - Action - Integration mod


Add / remove whitelist for a specific cluster, game server or all.

Automations / Tasks - Action - whitelist 1

Automations / Tasks - Action - whitelist 2

Custom Roleโ€‹

Add or remove a Custom Role for the associated player.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Custom role 1

Automations / Tasks - Action - Custom role 2

Donor statusโ€‹

Give player the Donor status for predetermined amount of time.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Donor status

Shop packโ€‹

Send a Shop pack to the player. This Action is not available in the Shop pack Delivery Builder.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Shop pack

Storage packโ€‹

Send an in-game upload. This action is only available for ARK: Survival Evolved inside Shop packs, Supporter Tiers and Vote rewards.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Storage pack

Claim votesโ€‹

Claims any claimable votes for the player.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Claim vote


Discord roleโ€‹

Assign or remove a Discord Role from the associated Discord user.

Automations / Tasks - Action - discord role

Automations / Tasks - Action - discord role

Discord messageโ€‹

Post a custom message in your selected Discord channel.

Variables are available with this action.

Automations / Tasks - Action - discord message

Discord embedโ€‹

Post a custom Discord embed in your selected Discord channel. Accepts raw json embed format.

Variables are available with this action.

Automations / Tasks - Action - discord embed



Add if/else logic to your delivery with Conditional blocks. This Action block supports adding sub-Action blocks, which run when the conditions are met.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Conditional 1

Available conditions:โ€‹

  • Player
    • Player name
    • Player token amount
    • Player Custom role
    • Player Status
    • Player is admin
  • Character
    • Character name
    • Character level
    • Character gender
    • Character minutes online
    • Character was online past 30 days
    • Character was created today
    • Character has group
  • Game server
    • Game server name
    • Game server online player count
    • Game server is scheduled
    • Game server has update available
    • Game server active Config template
  • Date
    • Date & time
    • Day of the week

Automations / Tasks - Action - Conditional 2


Randomly execute one of the sub options based on chance settings. This Action block supports adding sub-Action blocks, per Randomizer option.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Randomizer

Queue / Scheduleโ€‹

Schedule actions that should execute somewhere in the future. This Action block supports adding sub-Action blocks, which run after specified amount of time.

Minimum delay: 3 minutes.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Queue / Schedule

Run actions per playerโ€‹

Loops over the selected player group and runs the actions configured for each player. Useful for sending tokens to all online players, for example.

Currently available groups:

  • Online players

Automations / Tasks - Action - Run actions per player

Run actions per game serverโ€‹

Loops over the selected game servers and runs the actions configured for each game server. This action is only available in Shop packs and Supporter Tiers.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Run actions per game server

Manage itemsโ€‹

Task actionsโ€‹

Enable or Disable a Task. Can be useful for events etc.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Task control

Shop pack actionsโ€‹

Show or hide a Shop pack.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Shop pack control

Supporter Tier actionsโ€‹

Show or hide a Supporter Tier.

Automations / Tasks - Action - Supporter Tier control

Game server actionsโ€‹

Lets you perform various actions, like:

  • Start game server
  • Schedule shutdown (with option countdown)
  • Schedule restart (with option countdown)
  • Schedule update (with option countdown)
  • Change config template
  • Change map / seed
  • Generate random seed (numbers, lowercase & uppercase letters)
  • Create backup (with cleanup option)
  • Wipe game server (full or partial)

Automations / Tasks - Action - Game server actions